Thursday 6 June 2013

Introducing Terrace Australis

Its been a long time coming but we now have our first known active supporters group for the Socceroos called Terrace Australis. Our captain Lucas Neil has always been a big supporter of increasing the fan base of the national team but this World Cup qualifying campaign it seems something has finally been done about it. Terrace Australis have been in the football news this week after finally gaining recognition for a lot of hard work in setting up the fan group. When you think your a big supporter of the Socceroos you meet people like Stephen Southworth ( member of Terrace Australis ) and he makes you realise that you are just another average supporter. Its purely amazing the passion and pride some people take in supporting their favourite football team, one example is Terrace Australis have organised a 74th minute 'hop' which pays tribute to the first Socceroo's team that qualified for the 1974 World Cup. insidetheboxFC was so taken back by this movement that we had to find out more about Terrace Australis.

1. Can you tell our readers more about Terrace Australis, when were you formed and why were you formed ?.

Terrace Australis started with a few passionate Socceroos fans which came from various locations. We came together with the same objective of improving the Australian Home End. The reason for starting the new active support was to give the home end a kick start after the Oman game where the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

2 .Was this in the pipeline for some time now or was Lucas Neil's frequent call to arms this campaign you're inspiration?.

Lucas Neill has pleaded for all Socceroos fans to step up and make the home games a fortress, if the Australian captain notices it shouldn’t we do something about it ?

3. The atmosphere the Japanese fans created on Tuesday was just unreal, is this what we should be aiming for the Socceroos?.

The Japanese fans are amongst the best in Asia we will need a vast improvement to match them, though this should be seen as a challenge for us to get into the stands, learn the chants, bring the colour and stand and sing for 90 minutes.

 4. We've seen active support in the A - League really blossom over the last few years but Socceroo matches really seem to stay purely a spectator event why do you think that is?.

The difference between A-league and the Socceroos is that we see our respected clubs every week for 6 months, it’s easy to get swept away and contribute to that. The Socceroos play 6-7 games a year in Australia in different cities, with only the most dedicated fans making all the games. Hopefully with a renewed effort for active support people will see the National team games as something to get excited about in terms of active support.

 5. Active support really shows the passion that fans have for football, we can imagine you have made some sacrifices in getting this group set up, you have your own website that exercise isnt cheap in its self?.

Yes, many sacrifices have been made however we do this week in week out for our respective clubs. That's what passion is all about

6. Have you had any support from the FFA or from current or ex players?.

We do have the support of the FFA, we need to work closely with them to ensure things happen without incident, similar to active bays work with their clubs.
Lucas Neill has spoken to a few of us, he gave us a fire up similar to those you’d expect from the captain to the rest of the team.

7. Does stadium security in Australia make it difficult for active support ?. 

Ensuring we have clear lines of communications and both parties understand expectations of active support we can work together.

8. Ultimately if we secure world cup qualification to Brazilian will you be taking a tour party to Rio?.
Firstly we need to qualify and it’s important that all Socceroos fans if able to get to Melbourne and Sydney, they come create the fortress. From this point we should have created a good foundation of chants and choreo that will follow all active supporters to brazil.  

9. How do we find out more about you or how do we join the terrace Australis movement?.
Join the forum contribute to the conversation help shape a new beginning in active support for the national team

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